2015 - 50th Reunion
2015 - 50th Class Reunion Information

A big “hello” to the Sunnyside High School class of 1965!  It is hard to believe 50 years have passed since we graduated. 

The reunion committee is working diligently to make this the best reunion ever and we hope you can all attend.

Several events are being planned to give everyone a chance to reminisce and catch up with classmates.  Please access our website at:  http://sunnysidehigh65.com for an opportunity to share a brief life history and take a trip down memory lane. Come on all you Grizzlies, let's make this a reunion of a lifetime!
Check out our class facebook site at Sunnyside, WA High School Class of 1965 https://www.facebook.com/groups/100485346671647/
Date:   Friday and Saturday, September 11 and 12.
Friday, September 11, will be a dinner at Mike Miller’s Winery Airfield Estates in Prosser from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Directions: From Sunnyside take exit 80, turn right and then turn left at the Starbucks on Merlot Drive.  From Tri-Cities take exit 80, turn left and then left at the Starbucks on Merlot Drive. Stay on Merlot Drive for .7 mile.  Airfield Estates is on the right.
Saturday, September 12, will be a ladies only no host luncheon at Snipes Mountain Brewery from 11:00 a.m. to1:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 12, will be a tour of the high school at 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 12, will be a dinner at Snipes Mountain Brewery beginning with a no host social hour at 5:30 p.m., the group picture taken at 6:30 (picture will be mailed to you) and the dinner at 7:00 p.m.
Directions: Yakima Valley Highway in Sunnyside.
Cost:   $65 single or $115 per couple for both nights and picture.
Friday only: $20.00 single or $35 per couple
Saturday only:  $50 single or $80 per couple
We need to know by August 10th if you are attending.  Please send the check payable to ‘Class of 65' in care of Diann Monroe (Adkison) at 140 Portview Lane, Sunnyside, WA 98944.
Included are two of the motels and an RV park in the area and a list of classmates whose addresses are unknown.  You can email Diann at TdLazymRanch@gmail.com  or Bonnie Price (Vale) at bprice@kvalley.com if you know their addresses.
Grapevine Inn Best Western - Sunnyside
509 839-6070
$99.99 per night, deluxe continental breakfast, pool, spa, fitness room
Quality Inn - Sunnyside
509 837-5781
$89 per night, hot breakfast, pool, spa
Wine Country RV Park
330 Merlot, Prosser, WA
1-800-726-4969 or 509-786-5192
Be sure and tell them you are attending the ‘65' class reunion for this price.
Judy, Brenda, Tom, Sandy, Terry, Craig, Diane, Bonnie, Vicky, Helen, Diann, Kathy

Unable to locate; if you have information, please let us know

Dan Amburn
Betty Bunch
Darla Burris
Linda Elder
Elva Galaviz
Russell Hoff
Sherry Jackson
Pat Koehler
Rose Ina LaBree
Tom Marshall
Carole Minnick
Gary Pelley
Michaelene Robertson
Barbara Taylor
Ruby Walls
Mary Wampole
Dorothy Watson
Ray White
Susan Young


If anyone has changed their email address or their physical address or knows of anyone in our class that has changed their information; could you please notify Kathy Schlotfeldt Wheeler at dkwheels53@gmailcom or Bonnie Vale (Don Price) at bprice@kvalley.com. or Message Kathy at Kathy Schlotfeldt Wheeler on Facebook or Bonnie at Don Price on Facebook. Please keep in touch with Kathy or Diane on the Facebook site "Sunnyside, Wa High School Class of 1965". If you are not a member, you can request to be added to the site by either Kathy or Diane.  Diane also needs our help in identifying members of our grade school classes as she is making a display of the pictures to be displayed at our reunion and there will be CDs to purchases at the reunion of the website.  Watch for the pictures on this site.

Thanks Kathy Schlotfeldt Wheeler, Sunnyside Wa. High School Class of 1965.


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